Well all is in readiness. I dont think Ive ever been so organised (which is a slight worry!). Its early evening. The bike is in the box, the four panniers are packed. Actually it was rather distressing when pulling the lovely new bike aprt for packing _ the seat comes out, the pedals come off, the front wheel drops out and normally it then slides into the bike box. However, I forgot that with the front pannier racks attached, the bike is too long for the bike, so I had no choice but to drop out the back wheel as well, and then I just couldn't fit everything in the box without doing damage to the frame (it is all too new!). The worst is pulling the handlebar assembly apart, and making sure it somehow fits into the box without damaging the brake calipers. Anyway, all is done, and the bike with wheel package plus four beautiful yellow Ortlieb panniers are already in the neighbours car who graciously agreed to drive me to the airport at 5:30am tomorrow.
I am flying Business, so the weight and number of articles shouldn't be a drama - hopefully. Ive packed everything from toenail clippers to pillow slip, from coffee saches to sultanas for the morning porridge. All up it should be about 45kg on the road, once I buy milk and fruit, metho and brown sugar for the porridge. My only prayer is that it all turns up on the same plane, otherwise the adventure doesn't get very far.
Below is a crude map of the journey. It was just easier to download a google map and mark it with a pen (old fashioned method!) but at least you can see the journey in a visual way.
Anyway, all is set. The next time you will hear from me, I will be in a tent by the seaside at Anglesea, not far from the famous Bell's Beach at the start of the Great Ocean Road.
Wow what a journey. I would love to do something like this but I'd probably do it on foot rather than bike saddle. Have a wonderful pilgrimage Kelvin!